Published 10 years ago
Last updated 10 years ago

Beirut, Lebanon (January 2015) –Radisson Blu Martinez Beirut was designated with“Green Key” Certificate,the largest global eco-label for accommodation.Radisson Blu is the first hotel in Lebanon to achieve full environmental certification for environmental conservation.
“We are so proud of this achievement,” said KostaKourotsidis, General Manager at Radisson Blu Martinez Hotel Beirut. “The hotel earned this award by hard work and dedication. This award goes directly to each and every employee working with us,” he added.
Green Key is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent Program. It is recognized and supported by the World Tourism Organization and UNEP. Green Key has 4 general aims, to raise the awareness of leisure establishment staff and clients, to increase the use of sustainable methods of operation and technology, to run ecologically sound and responsible businesses, and thereby reduce resource, energy usage.
To achieve the Green Key award, the hotel went into a very precise evaluation covering different aspects at the hotel related to Environmental Management, Staff Involvement, Guest Information, Water and Energy Consumption, Washing and Cleaning, Waste, Food and Beverage, Indoor Environment, Parks and Parking Areas, and Green Activities, the result was a majority of fulfilled requirements and the rest will be achieved by the end of 2015.
The Green Key program rests on 5 pillars that are being implemented by Radisson Blu Martinez hotelin Beirut and in many Middle Eastern countries:
- Education of staff, clients and owners towards increased sustainable development and environmental awareness in leisure establishments.
- Environmental preservation by the reduction of the environmental impact of each establishment in the world scene.
- Economical management by the reduction of consumption meaning a reduction of costs
- Marketing strategy by the promotion of the Green Key label and the establishments using the Green Key icon.
- Strengthening of the tourism and leisure branch by taking responsibility broader than then their individual establishments.
On a global level, more than 140 Rezidor hotels, the group of hotels including Radisson Blu, have the Green Key eco-label, with many more to follow. The group Rezidor currently has 69% of its hotels eco-labelled, with a target to achieve 100% by the end of 2015.

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