Published 10 years ago
Last updated 10 years ago

Beirut, January 8th, 2015: In the light of the severe weather that Lebanon witnessed lately, causing blackouts in many Lebanese regions, Karpowership Lebanon, the operator of Power ships Fatmagül Sultan and OrhanBey, was fully ready and showed support to accomodate the needs of Electricite Du Liban (EDL).
Generation was paused only for a few hours as safety precautions with the consideration of Lebanon’s electricity grid conditions during the storm in the previous night. Since last night both Power ships are generating at full capacity. The technical teams aboard the Power ships Fatmagül Sultan and OrhanBey, as well as EDL personnel exerted extraordinary efforts to ensure the continuity of generation to provide the Lebanese network with the necessary electrical supply.
The two Power ships docked respectively in Zouk and Jiyeh since 2013, came as part of an agreement between the Turkish company and the Lebanese Government. They generate currently close to 25% of the total electricity in Lebanon, supplying more than 300 MW.

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