On June 24, 2018, women in Saudi Arabia will be legally able to drive on the roads of the Kingdom. This is a momentous time in history and we are delighted to be able to welcome Saudi women “to the front”, to the driver’s seat.
Ford Motor Company was built on the belief that freedom of movement drives human progress, and we are thrilled to be part of this historical milestone, and have the opportunity to support women in the Kingdom during such an extraordinary time.
The Ford Communications team will provide links to video footage and photography material for use in stories depicting the lift of ban from women driving in Saudi Arabia; the team can also grant you access to senior leadership at Ford Middle East for interviews and quotes. Our press kit will include:
Video B-Roll:
- Driving Skills For Life For Her – Effat University, Jeddah
- Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies Co, Al Takhassosy branch, Riyadh with female sales team
- Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies Co, Al Khurais branch
- Ford Ecosport, Escape, Edge, Explorer – models of choice for Saudi women
Video soundbites:
- Team leader, AJVA Customer Experience
- Female students at Driving Skills for Life for Her – Effat University, Jeddah
- Crystal Worthem, Marketing director, Ford Middle East & Africa (English)
- Sue Nigoghossian, general manager, MENA Communications (Arabic)
- Driving Skills For Life For Her – Effat University, Jeddah
- Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies Co, female sales team with female customers
- Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies Co, Al Takhassosy and Al Khurais branches
- Ford Ecosport, Escape, Edge, Explorer – models of choice for Saudi women
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