Summer is officially over. With cooler months around the corner, now is the time to start adopting a healthy, consistent lifestyle to power us through the busiest months of year.
Despite the travails of the working day, the cacophony of meetings, play dates, school pickups and traffic-raddled commutes, there is always one oasis of family calm. The institution of family dinner has always been at the heart of the day. People relax, unwind and narrate their stories: why Ramy got hauled in front of the school principal, and how well Lara did on her math test.
Dinners are important. But for working families, they can’t always be long leisurely affairs where hours are spent in preparation. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the trappings of a contemporary kitchen, though, it’s now possible to get the same enriching experience in a fraction of the time. And that’s where LG’s innovative AI products come into the picture.
Intuitive design delivers results in a fraction of the time – meaning more time to spend with family. And while we all value that image of grandma meticulously peeling garlic pods in a corner of a stone kitchen, the modern Lebanese kitchen is taking recourse to a more ergonomic and efficient way of doing so. Whereas the traditional kitchen was often a room separate from the bustle of life, the intelligent kitchen brings people closer by making dining, living, eating and cooking a seamless part of family togetherness.
It’s always the cooking that takes time. That, and the scouring of pots and pans after a meal. But a little application of technology – such as with the LG EasyClean Oven that automatically updates the LG QuadWash dishwasher about how dishes need to be scrubbed – makes life stress-free, and togetherness more relaxing. Here’s technology at its best: accessible, consumer-oriented and user-friendly.
Stop. Chill. These are common exhortations after a hectic day of running in circles. Fortunately, chill is what LG’s High-End-Door-in-Door refrigerators do, and do well. There’s no need to queue in line at the local shop, because fruits and vegetables last far longer with special temperature-controlled cabinets. Be it a drop of something nice from a chilled bottle of bubbly, or a big gulp of the fresh kale smoothie that you made and stored on the top shelf, everything comes out with taste, flavor and fizz perfectly preserved.
Using up electricity like there’s no tomorrow isn’t an option for most people. Luckily, LG’s thought of that. The intelligent door-in-door design cuts back on the fridge’s environmental footprint. Less money shredded by energy bills leaves a bit more for the nicer things in life.
It’d be a mistake to think LG has nothing to offer single people. The biggest trigger for unhealthy eating choices and spur of the moment bingeing is a potent mix of hunger, tiredness and exhaustion. A few months of the grind, and weight creeps up. A few years, and it’s hello to obesity. No one wants to stumble through the door at 7pm and start peeling vegetables. But when LG’s kitchen does the work for you, and helps you store precious leftovers for a snack tomorrow, eating healthier and better is no longer a chore.
As Managing Director of LG Levant, Hong Ju Jeon, puts it: “LG consistently works on providing the most innovative products to its consumer by taking into consideration the ultimate need to maintain a modern lifestyle where time becomes an essential factor to every family. LG’s comprehensive lineup of smart home solutions is designed to work in close cooperation with one another and with LG ThinkQ products kitchen will be the perfect place to start the domestic smart revolution”.
The future is about intelligent, smart technology. But more than that; it’s about togetherness, of time spent better, of precious moments snatched, of mundane time-consuming tasks delegated to Artificial Intelligence so people can focus on more rewarding things.
The future is promising. And with LG ThinkQ appliances, the future is now. It’s one where even grandma enjoys playing with her little grandson rather than spending hours peeling her garlic pods.
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