“La Corrida De Mi Vida, Essencia Animal”
Beirut, May 8, 2017: Mayline restaurant was the venue for ‘’La Corrida De Mi Vida’’, ‘’Essencia Animal”, an art exhibition by Juliana El-Haddad that was inaugurated on Saturday, April 29th, 2017. The show, running from April 30th to May 31st, 2017, features the most celebrated masterpieces and works of this passionate and ambitious artist.
Always keen to ensure a generous hospitality and an elegant ambiance, Mayline hosted Juliana El-Haddad’s first solo exhibition.
Juliana’s paintings are not merely colorful compositions; they convey a strong message that denounces the architecture of concrete and the lack of greenery within the city. The Bull, omnipresent in her work, discretely portrays the tool through which she also paints family, love and life.
The preview event hosted a crowd of VIP guests and journalists curious to explore Juliana’s masterpieces, created by the soul of an inspired, devoted and committed artist.
Juliana started her art career and painting as a hobby. Her contemporary, daring themes and style have pushed her recently to invest more efforts and time into her passion. She recently exhibited at Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts – ALBA “Violons d’Ingres”, a collective exhibition organized by ‘’l’Amicale des anciens de l’Alba’’ on February 2017. In 2003, The Goethe institute exhibited her final project about Lebanese pavilion- expo 2000, held in Hanover Germany, in Beirut and in Tripoli (2001). Later that year, Juliana obtained a two-year grant from the Spanish embassy and the AECI (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional) and won a painting competition held in Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora de África (Madrid).
Juliana EL-Haddad born on October 22, 1975, in Beirut, Lebanon, is an Interior, Landscape Architect and Painter. She holds a master's degree in Interior Architecture from ALBA Beirut (Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts- DES, Architecture d'intérieur) with distinction as well as a Master's degree in Landscape Architecture from UPM, Madrid (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid -Master en Jardineria y Paisajismo). Since 2005, Juliana tutors at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts –ALBA, where she conveys to her students her passion for Landscape Architecture. In 2003 She Co-founded “David Aouad | Juliana El-Haddad | hands”, a study office specialized in urban planning, architectural, interior and landscape design. In 2013 she founded “Handsmade”, specialized in objects design.
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