DuPont Packaging is once again requesting global packaging visionaries enter to win a sought-after DuPont Award for Packaging Innovation. Entries will be received through Feb. 10, 2017, and forms and information are accessible at packagingawards.dupont.com
The long-celebrated awards program distinguishes companies that have answered to the worldwide mandate for improvements in customer product experiences and sustainability. “As the industry’s longest-running, global, independently judged competition, the DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation helps outstanding innovations achieve industry validation and recognition,” said Dale Outhous, vice president – Ethylene Copolymers, DuPont Performance Materials. “Our global panel of judges brings their packaging expertise and diverse perspectives to help us honor truly game-changing packaging innovations.”
Entry is free and applicants are not required to use DuPont materials in the packaging assembly. The international panel of packaging leaders who serve as judges consider excellence in technological advancement, responsible packaging and enhanced user experience. Winners will join an elite group of industry leaders to be showcased globally mid-May 2017.
“The DuPont Packaging Awards stand out from many other competitions around the world, because they bring the best of what every competition has to bear as individual segments and use categories, packaging formats into one really well-rounded competition,” said Lead Judge David Luttenberger, global packaging director, Mintel Group Ltd.
By bringing together the greatest innovators in packaging over three decades, the awards have fostered a truly worldwide collaboration and generosity of spirit, helping catalyze innovation across the value chain, from source reduction to production efficiencies to consumer education. Citing the value of the submission process for packaging innovators, 2016 Judge Marianne Rosner Klimchuk, associate chairperson, Fashion Institute of Technology, explained: “This is an opportunity to answer these important questions, look to meet the criteria, take a look at themselves and have the opportunity to share their innovations.”
DuPont Performance Materials (DPM) is a leading innovator of thermoplastics, elastomers, renewably sourced polymers, high-performance parts and shapes, as well as resins that act as adhesives, sealants, and modifiers. DPM supports a globally linked network of regional application development experts who work with customers throughout the value chain to develop innovative solutions in automotive, packaging, construction, consumer goods, electrical/electronics and other industries. For additional information about DuPont Packaging Awards, visit packagingawards.dupont.com.
DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering to the global marketplace in the form of innovative products, materials, and services since 1802. The company believes that by collaborating with customers, governments, NGOs, and thought leaders we can help find solutions to such global challenges as providing enough healthy food for people everywhere, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and protecting life and the environment. For additional information about DuPont and its commitment to inclusive innovation, please visit http://www.dupont.com
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